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Learn everything you need to know about all the units available in Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin, complete with tips and tricks for using them effectively in battle.

Hobgrot Slittaz
Orruk Kruleboyz
  • Assault

Per squad: 10

Hobgrot Slittaz

Slitta Knife

What Hobgrots lack in size, this Assault unit makes up in vicious cunning. They are mean-spirited, smarter than your average grot, and malicious users of razor-sharp daggers and scrap explosives. The only time they mob up and work together is when the enemy is within ‘killin range’.

Hobgrot Slittaz are most effective on the battlefield with precise use. These merciless Orruks start weak but are reinforced through kills and melee attacks. They may be an Assault unit, but treat them like a dagger, not a claymore. 

  • Hobgrot units reinforce as they defeat enemy units, allowing them to stay in the field longer. However, be sure to treat them with care and retreat from battles they are set to lose.
  • Lay Hobgrot’s explosive scrap mines at chokepoints or objectives where there is more chance enemy units will walk over them. A well-placed mine can scupper an enemy assault on your captured Victory Points.


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